Reagan's very first (public) performance for the Bloomington Parks
& Rec Recital was on Sunday! After 16 Saturdays of practice
the girls finally got their moment in the spotlight...
in front of a capacity crowd of 1300!
& Rec Recital was on Sunday! After 16 Saturdays of practice
the girls finally got their moment in the spotlight...
in front of a capacity crowd of 1300!
Our lil' beach baby is on the far left (please excuse the
poor videography - I'm a novice - I'll blame it on the
dark lighting, nosebleed section seating and that I had to
change seats mid performance!
dark lighting, nosebleed section seating and that I had to
change seats mid performance! on earth do the "Little Miss Perfect" moms do it?!?)
Don't those smiles just melt your heart...?