Friday, April 4, 2008

On the Move!

Well, I promised I would capture Reagan on the move with my wimpy camera video setting (see below) here is a quite amusing video of Reagan demonstrating her crawling skills, mommy holding the camera sideways while playing a rousing game of peekaboo and Payton coming to inspect all the commotion. A day in the life of Reagan.... such fun!

Reagan's Recap (first 7 months of life)

August 18th, 2007 - Reagan finally made it into the world!

Month 1 - she likes bathtime, napping and is eating like a champ - those cheeks were bound for greatness!

Month 2 - Reagan didn't think too much of her bull costume for Halloween, she also didn't appreciate that everyone was eating chocolate, except for her.

Month 3 - Payton was a new discovery this month - they have become fast friends!

Month 4 - Christmas was a hit with the whole family, and Reagan got to wear her first dress (and tights and shoes!)... poor girl was so tuckered out after a long day of entertaining!

Month 5 - tummy time wasn't quite the chore it used to that she can lift her head up!

Month 6 - was a big month for us - Reagan's first two teeth decided to show up and her first attempts at crawling began (painfully - lots of bumps and bruises - notice her forehead!)

Month 7 - our girl is an avid crawler - much to Payton's dismay - still only has 2 teeth, doesn't care much for baby food and loves anything on our plates! Such a big girl... Crawling video soon to come!

Official Stat Update: 19.5 lbs and 29" long. Full of smiles and loves to play with daddy and "read" (aka chew) books! We'll keep you posted....