Reagan's very first (public) performance for the Bloomington Parks
& Rec Recital was on Sunday! After 16 Saturdays of practice
the girls finally got their moment in the spotlight...
in front of a capacity crowd of 1300!
& Rec Recital was on Sunday! After 16 Saturdays of practice
the girls finally got their moment in the spotlight...
in front of a capacity crowd of 1300!
Our lil' beach baby is on the far left (please excuse the
poor videography - I'm a novice - I'll blame it on the
dark lighting, nosebleed section seating and that I had to
change seats mid performance!
dark lighting, nosebleed section seating and that I had to
change seats mid performance! on earth do the "Little Miss Perfect" moms do it?!?)
Don't those smiles just melt your heart...?
Hahahaaa! The video made my day. Why no smiles in the pic? Are they told not to smile? CUTE!