Monday, November 29, 2010

Santa's Parade of Lights

 After reviewing my photos from the weekend
I realized I really only took shots from when we
visited my parents and took the kids to the
Christmas Parade in Breese.  Not coincidentally,
the less time I have with Bracken, the more
photos I take. This also explains why you don't
see the little guy...he was home with Grammie
and PaPa staying warm and toasty. 
Something catches her eye coming down the line. 
 She looks a little miffed as she gives
the passing tractor a faint wave after
receiving NO candy from him...
 We replenished our diminishing bead supply.
 The crew braving the cold:
Daddy, Reagan, Uncle Craig,
Aunt Laura, Cousin Calvin and Cousin Carly
This shot reminds me of the movie
"A Christmas Story"
and the parade scene...
"Can we go see Santa yet, mom?
Can we? Can we?"
Happy with her goodies...
I should have known that when Daddy had to
lift her onto Santa's lap rather than under her
own free will that we were in trouble...
Tears. Streaming down her face.
She was terrified. It was not good.
She was excited until the moment she realized
she was going to sit on his lap.
We should have just taken the coloring book
and went on our merry way.
(also reminds me of the movie
"A Christmas Story" when Randy screams on
Santa's lap and he replies;
"Uh Oh, okay. Get him out of here...")
Maybe next year.

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