Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Birthday for Our Princess Turning 3!

Wondering what a 3rd Birthday is all about?
Here is how it all goes down at our house...
(this could be the longest post ever...)
"Breakfast" was birthday waffles complete with
icing and marshmallows (this was also the bribe to
get her into her big girl underwear this morning).
Put pink sprinkles on anything and she will eat it.
Then painting with her new book
(while enjoying strawberries - you know they
cancel out the sugar loaded waffles she just devoured).
Fun time at the park!
(Reagan is too fast these days to snap a pic,
but little brother just loves to swing!)
Refueling at McDonald's
(mommy's favorite, too)
Picking out an extra sweet (and extra large)
butterfly (what else?) birthday balloon...
Being goofy opening cards.
A shot of the cake mommy made secretly after
bedtime the night before...complete with 6 princesses!
I think she liked it...
( never know these days what could
send a 3 year old into meltdown mode!)
Yes, we actually let her do this.
(to be truthful, I was sick of the cake
and not looking to have leftovers...)
Mr. B enjoyed it too!
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! Love,
Daddy, Mommy & Bracken


  1. How adorable and so hilarious!!!!! She looks like she had a great day.

  2. What a perfect birthday for a princess!

  3. and that is an awesome cake! Great job Mommy!
