Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas #2

After a few days with the Bulls, we headed
south 5 hours to visit my family and had
a good ole' fashioned Haselhorst Christmas
(a loud, but fun one!)
I can't even begin to comment on how
sweet this photo is! Reagan and Carly
were giving lots of hugs all weekend... Napping by the tree
(yes, I admit I posed this one...that is my arm...)
Our attempt at getting a shot with
all the grandkids. We failed.
(if you look closely the 5th and oldest
grandkid is under the tree :)
Papa Ken and Grammie Carla were all smiles!
A good ole' fashioned snow fight!
Our two newest additions Bracken and Drew.
Drew punching Bracken in the face.
(he may regret this later in life...)
Grammie just can't get enough!
Keeping occupied for just a moment...
Great grandparents even caught the baby bug!
We are blessed. Merry Christmas!

Next in line for the crown

One of many gifts that Reagan received
was a real live tutu! She was so excited...
can you tell?
Daddy helping with her slippers...


Christmas #1

We started our holiday travels at the Bulls
The kids did surprisingly well in
the car much to my relief!
(the portable DVD player was a big help too!)
...on the road again
(with a ration of sugar cookies)
All bundled up to play in the "No"
and help feed the horses!
Showing great grandma Judy some love.
...an early morning for all of us...
Someone was excited about santa...
Reading to PaPa Dave with her new
Leapfrog Tag system...
A gift as tall as she was!
Enjoying Elmo and patiently waiting his turn.
The crowning of great grandpa Earl.
...his shirt says it all! This one is a charmer...
(lock up your daughters!)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

(S)now Day!

Finally! We have enough "No" to actually
warrant getting all bundled up to go
outside and have some fun!
(...and a napping baby helps too!)
According to Reagan the "s" is silent...
She calls it "No" despite me putting extra
emphasis on the ssssnow everytime I say it...
Mmmm... delicious!
A cheesy pose next to her
lil' friend... a "No-Man"
Reagan named them Daddy and Baby
...it was too cold to build a mommy!
Handprints in the no...
Just can't get enough no.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The many faces of Bracken

"Seriously, Mom? More pictures?"
"I'm so tired, think I'll take a nap..."
"Okay I'll admit it. That joke was kind of funny..."
"Just a little more milk...please?"
"Okay, I'm done, I'm done...no more please!"

The Gingerbread Man never had it so good...

Got leftover halloween candy, cookies, icing
and a lazy Saturday afternoon ahead of you?
Well... then you've got a
gingerbread house to make!
Reagan sampling the homeade icing bag..
The finished product!
(how do you like our trees?)
She is so proud of her handiwork...
(the mess took longer to clean up than
it did for us to make it!)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Photo Attempts #1 and #2

The fuzzy photo below was taken last
week in my poor attempt at getting the kids
in front of the tree for our cards...
as you can see it didn't turn out.
I tried again this week... and then I gave up
and just took cute photos of them hanging out.
Maybe next year.