Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My How They Grow...

The other day I caught Reagan trying to
squeeze herself in her laundry basket
and thought it looked familiar...
Reagan at 5 months
(my amateur attempt at a homemade photo shoot)
Same basket, same baby
Reagan at 21 months...
Forget it mom, I'll just lay on the floor!
(notice the same blankie, too)

A Four Legged Friend...

Our friend Lesley just recently got
a new puppy - and Reagan is thrilled!
We welcome Cooper!
(even though he wears a Steelers tag)
Reagan being helpful and feeding Cooper...
though most of it ended up in the grass.
Cooper and Reagan enjoying the
bubble machine...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Reagan's Little Brother

Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound
and found out Reagan is
having a brother! They estimate him
to be a solid 12 ounces and 6 inches long -
all looks good for an early October arrival...

Awww, his first official blog posting...I think he has David's toes...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Say Cheese!

On Mother's Day we met my friend
Dan and had some family photos
taken at Ewing Park near our house.
I think Reagan is getting used
to the camera...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

Lately our little comedian has really
been cracking us up. I want to remember
her sillier moments by actually
writing them down and sharing them...
1 - She thinks it is hilarious to call Daddy
by name...greeting him at the door with
"Hey David!"
2 - There are vinyl decal butterflies on her
wall in her room...she names them
every morning from biggest to smallest:
"mommyfly, daddyfly and reagyfly"
(I appreciate that mommyfly is the biggest these days...)
3 - She fake sneezes randomly at the dinner
table to get a laugh out of anyone present...
4 - Reagan is also aware of the country's
financial situation: the other day she pointed
at our license plate (which has the profile of
Abe Lincoln and is rectangular in shape)
and said, "Mommy! Money!"
...still wearing mommy's shoes...

A Popsicle's Demise...

Here we see Reagan in her natural
habitat (the backyard) demolishing a
popsicle on a lovely sunny day...
I think you can see why we chose to
enjoy our sweet treat outside that day...

Thursday, May 7, 2009


There are two things that Reagan does
when I am not looking...
#1 - colors on anything but her paper
(not to worry non-toxic washable marker
though I am convinced she is going to grow up
and want full body tattoos some day...)
...and #2 - she tries to see Elmo on
YouTube via my computer when
I forget to push my chair in...

Sharing is Caring...

We have been trying to teach Reagan
to share her toys - this is her version.
I think we are making progress...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bird Watching with Great PaPa

We had a full house at my mom's
last Saturday, but Reagan had a few
special moments with Great PaPa Larry
watching the birdies...she was probably
glued to the window with him for
25 minutes...(long but very sweet)
See the video below...

Fun with Grammie and PaPa

Last weekend we visited Grammie and PaPa
Haselhorst and had a blast...
Making a wish.
Just looking really cool by the pond.
Fun with Daddy!
Gotta pitch in... Tickle time with Grammie...